About Using AI in Calendars

As a disclaimer, I'd like to say that I am not what you'll call "an AI fanatic". I feel like adding AI to stories, art, music and stuff that isn't strictly scientific or productive must be done with extreme caution. That is because part of the masterpiece's beauty is the person who made it. The story loses it's value if the teller is lying. It is even worse if he or she are making it up, and if these options are bad, what will we say about AI telling a story? No matter how good it is it won't "hit" the same.

Therefore, see this post as a recommendation from a user who isn't mad crazy on AI.

My first experience with AI

As almost everyone, the first time I felt the power of AI was with ChatGPT 3. ChatGPT was a sensation. It delivered excitement and money to tech the same way that iPhone did back in 2007. Just couple of months after the devestating virus COVID-19 hit... A new technology leap was exactly what we needed to cheer us up. Even though some problems like data privacy and AI illusination popped up... to this day, AI is going stronger than ever before. It wasn't until more than a year later that I really started using AI.

My first real experience with AI was GitHub CoPilot, which is a tech that integrates AI into coding super naturally. This is the first time I handed to AI real life problems and it provided me real solutions. It didn't happen overnight, but slowly it started taking more and more load of my work. Today, I hardly code without GitHub Copilot. It isn't a replacement, but it accelerates my work by A LOT. Working without it today feels like I'm throwing myself out of the developing competition.

The real advantage of AI is that it is super personalized. Searching on the web isn't harder or more tiring than talking with a bot. The difference is, the more personalized the problem you're searching about, the less accurate results you'll get. AI on the other hand, can take the web's knowledge, processes it and make a not-so-accurate web answer, polished and edited just for you.

AI in productivity

For me, AI is as good as a consulting friend. In most of things in life, two brains are better than one. AI is simply an additional brain added to the conversation. It does a lot of "dirty" work too.

My turning point with AI usage was when I understood that editing a 90% accurate result generated by it is faster than doing 100% of the task myself.

AI can be used for ideas consultment, rewriting, generating content, automating easy tasks, analyzing data, managing projects, schedules or email, etc... The options are endless.

AI in planning and calendars

By understanding the power of AI and seeing how it helped me, I created this site to help others and myself start planning faster. I opened an option for all of us to plan with AI and convert those plans into our calendars, PDFs or even receive daily newsletter.

I ensure you now, you can plan without this site. This is a fact. The problem is: manual planning takes time. Planning for longer periods can be extremely time-consuming and harder the more complex a goal or a task is.

Which one is faster? Creating a calendar blueprint that'll help you achieve whatever desire you have, already filled with daily tasks, start and end hours OR to plan from zero?

If you think the first option is better - creating a calendar with AI is completely free on this site. Head here to start. The only thing that costs is exporting it, which is cheap and no more than couple of bucks.


Ilan Yashuk, October 16th, 2024